Thoughts from a gulleyfluff

Jan. 30, 2022

Day 20 of Hope

It starts when you feel a little warmth in the belly of your stomach. Your eyes begin to open to things that maybe were present all along, or maybe they just entered your orbit. At any rate, these things are there and you see them clearly, with new eyes like never before. Your heart begins to race whenever you think of them, and yet there is such a sea of love that engulfs the process. Your heart is so full at the moment and there is so much passion. You see images of various things all the time, as pictures flash through your mind. You slowly feel different like you are not the same. You begin to do everything different and everything has a new name. You feel alive for the first time in so long. You feel so many emotions, love, peace, and joy. With every breath you remember what you have seen. The feelings you felt, won't let you rest. The beauty of it all, covered with pain. This is the awakening, much like light entering a dark room. It starts out slow, and then starts to grow. Now there is a blaze that is not going out. Now you can't unsee what has been presented to you. There is hope in the blaze yearning inside. That hope will make a way.