How did it happen? At what point did it happen? It’s a mystery and yet it’s not. She’s tall and lanky, not at all attractive, and missing half her teeth. She has a vulgar mouth and a loving heart. But those eyes, they are eyes that unlock the depths of her soul, beautiful and blue with a glaze of life. She has been looking for love since her birth, from parents that neglected and abused, she could not find it. She gave herself away so freely in search of something, anything that reassembled a glimmer of love or a spark of care, no love in return. Would she ever matter? Would she ever exist to anyone? Try as she may, she was failed time after time, and every time it took a piece of her away. Each piece was replaced with lies. She wasn’t good enough, she wasn’t smart enough… she just wasn’t enough.
Now she sits in a shack looking at the walls, or what should be walls. The light from the outside, shines through the window so she is able to see the filthy conditions she is forced to live in. As tears stream down her face and sobs rush through her lips, she thinks of a better time. When was a better time, she’s always been broken, tossed aside, and even forgotten. As she passed people walk away, and she gets many strange looks. Sometimes she goes unnoticed, sometimes people run in fear, sometimes people just look and shake their head. Some think that she brought herself to this point, her choices brought her where she is, she never strived for better, but then what if you don’t know there is better. What if you were trapped in a box, desperate to climb out but the walls were too high, trying to get a grip but your surroundings are so slick that you cannot grab on, searching for a door but there isn’t one anywhere and you are just there, with your thoughts and your mind and your emptiness… all alone. A rat runs across the rippled floor, she grabs the bottle, wipes off the dirt and takes a drink. How did this happen, and will she ever feel loved?