I have battled with self worth for most of my life. Soon after graduating high school, I began to doubt the person I was. Honestly, it was probably before that, but I was a child then. I began to have a very poor self image. Sure I was happy-go-lucky, always positive outlook on life, but not really a good feeling towards myself. As my life continued, things happened that fed into this self doubt and dislike, and before long, I did not think much of myself at all. It wasn’t until 5 years ago that I really began to transform all of the false ideas and negative self image that I had. It was a difficult journey and took a lot of thinking and relearning. One thing I really had to do is look at all the things I did think about myself and really understand why I thought that and if it was true or if it was a lie and where it came from. The great thing is that there is no one mold that we must be put into and the diversity among us is the spice of life!
This is coming up here lately because I am realizing that I am not the only one that has felt this way. I am listening to people and realizing that many people feel that way, whether it is because of their skin color, because of their gender, because of their socioeconomic status, their size, I can keep listing things that the world or others make you feel less than but you get my drift. I am speaking directly to you. Look at that thing that you have believed for so long, is it really true or is it a lie? Did someone or something long ago make you feel that way? Well it is a lie, your skin is gorgeous and the perfect shade, it is totally amazing that you are a female, your size is perfectly who you are, and you are better and more valuable than any amount of money. Stop believing those lies!! I am now at such a better place that I am totally 100% ok with the chaotic, odd, silly, ridiculous, spiritual, loud Mel that I am! If you ever need to talk or just need somebody to listen, I am always here.
Below is a link to one of my favorite bands TLC. They had so much wisdom in their music. They said they wrote these songs about love and physical beauty, but I think you can apply it to all areas life in general. It is basically about being happy with who you are as a person. Sometimes, when I start thinking a certain way and I know better, I put this on repeat for a while. Remember we are our own worst enemies, break that cycle … enjoy: