Thoughts from a gulleyfluff


Time is so precious.  It is the most precious gift we have. It lasts for just a moment, but can altar the world in amazing ways.  We live under the falsehood that we always have tomorrow, so we tend to put things off.  I am not talking about great projects, I am talking about conversations.  We as a society have become a people that value greatness and success, and just waste.  We get so caught up in the details of the day, and what expectations we must complete, that we do not take time for simple things.  Five minutes for a conversation, a moment to give someone a smile, or just clear an afternoon to devote for a person, a human being, wether they choose to spend all afternoon with you, or rush to another obligation they must do.  We as a society have placed importance on the wrong things.  I am not saying not to work, what I am saying is there is a time and place for it.  There is a time for desires and a time for dreams.  There is a time for success and a time for accomplishment.  There is a time for just being and a time for waste.  What if success starts with a conversation that inspires another individual to do greatness or inspires a part of you that you thought you had lost? What if greatness is someone taking the time to stop and smile at you, or preform a kind gesture that renews your hope in humanity and revives the idea that someone cares for you in spite of everything that has happened in your life?  What if, the moment that it took to have a difficult conversation wasn't really a waste, at least not as much as that time would be wasted watching TV or playing a video game?

There is a time and place for all things.  A person can always find time and make time for important things.  Have you ever noticed that you were so rushed you couldn't meet a friend for coffee, but yet you have hours at night to watch TV? Have you ever noticed that you could not find the time to get involved in new activities or just take 5 minutes to show someone they matter, but later on in the day you are so bored without anything to do? Then time comes to a halt and you realize that the people you didn't have time for are no longer there, that the person you walked by on the street ended up jumping off a bridge later that day, your children are grown, people you finally stop to talk to could have been great friends when you needed one.  Time, it's such a beautiful gift, but can be so cruel if it is misused.