Jan. 29, 2022
Day 19 of hope
I am always astonished by life an movement. The health of the human body and it's parts have always intrigued me. I took Anatomy and Physiology, Biochemistry, and kinesiology. I took two more Anatomy classes after undergraduate school and then histology, when you get to look at the body tissues under microscopes. I am intrigued by both the preparation and execution of body movement, which is a very complex thing and takes alot of time. First, the baby must develop inside the womb. The mother is encouraged to eat healthy and given specific nutrients to provide as the baby's brain develops. Once the baby is born, they must have interactions and playtime to develop and learn skills. If you look at a baby, they can not do much and then as they prepare themselves and grow, they learn to move their hands and arms with precision, learn to crawl and walk and move. The point is movement takes a lot of preparation. In a very simple form, I will explain it as best I can. One must have a healthy brain, then the brain transmits signals down spinal column. These signals flow through cells connected to the motor neurons, which are attached to the appropriate muscles groups signaling them to move. Once these signals get to the motor neurons, neurotransmitters are released and bind to sodium channels on the cell membrane and tell them to stay open. This causes the cell body to become depolarized. Voltage-gated sodium channels at the part of the axon closest to the cell body activate, because of the depolarized cell body. This lets positively charged sodium ions flow into the negatively charged axon, and depolarize the surrounding axon. One channel opens and lets positive ions in, it sets the stage for the channels down the axon to do the same thing. So the signal continues down the axon. The neuron swings through equilibrium due the the excessive amount of Sodium ions and the action potential passes through. Then the Potassium Channels of the cell body quickly open to bring the cell back to it's resting potential. Think of it as a quick wave movement that happens in a fraction of a second. That is why sports players, dancers, and people moving in different ways require so much training, you must train your brain to send the proper signals at the proper times. Movement is powerful, movement is amazing, and movement takes alot of preparation. I find hope in the end result, in the beautiful movements are bodies make that produce so many feelings and express ourselves in so many unique ways. However, I find so much more hope in the preparation, in what I affectionately call the waiting room. It is in the waiting room, while you are getting prepared for your future task that you learn so many things, have so many experiences, and have the ability to be filled with excitement and fulfill your biggest dreams.