Jan. 26, 2022
Day 17 of Hope
As many people are aware, songs and music bring me hope. 'Light of the World' by Lauren Daigle is my favorite Christmas song, but as I always do, I analyzed this year I really analyzed the lyrics and found that it isn't only a Christmas song, but can be a song for all year. I have had it on repeat in my car, yes I still play CD's in the car, since December 10. I am in my car a lot, so I probably hear this song 20-50 times a day, unless I go on a road trip and then the possibilities are endless. At traffic lights I am truly a sight, either directing the band, waving my arms, or dancing around as best I can. The music is so eloquently paired with the words, and I would love to share my thoughts with you. The link to the song is below and here are the lyrics with my thoughts.
The beginning music has a beat and a key that makes me think of church bells, something I have truly missed during the pandemic, and something I feel symbolizes something extraordinary is about to come.
The world waits for a miracle
The heart longs for a little bit of hope
Yes, it seems like the world and its people are always waiting and hoping, emphasis on the word long, craving or desire.
Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel
the use of the word Emmanuel, God with us. This song was written thinking about the silent years between the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the roughly 400 years that God did not speak, but was silent. Imagine the yearning, the longing, the craving for a message from God.
A child prays for peace on Earth
And she's calling out from a sea of hurt
I love this because it speaks to the frailty of humans. I love the usage of the word sea here.
Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel
Repeating the come Emmanuel, shows the desperation of the times.
And can you hear the angels singing
This makes me think of announcement of God, and the singing is the rejoicing for what is about to come.
Glory to the light of the world
Glory the light of the world is here
I love the words Light of the world, and if you are a follower of Jesus and think of the properties of light, it pierces the darkness and is the fastest motion known to exist, which symbolizes how fast Jesus comes to us when we are in trouble.
The drought breaks with the tears of a mother
This recognizes the pain and suffering.
A baby's cry is the sound of love
This recognizes that our cries to God sound like a cry of love to Them, and that all tears are not necessarily bad, some are innocent, some are lovely, and some are healing.
Come down, come down, Emmanuel
This again shows the urgency and longing of the people in the silent years, much like people today when they are desperate to hear from God, but many times it is in those silent years that we grow the most.
Oh, He is the song for the suffering
Here I feel that the song is there to comfort us when we suffer, much like Jesus is there to comfort us when we suffer.
He is Messiah, the Prince of Peace has come
The word Messiah can mean Savior, but in this time of my life I choose its other meanings which are anointed one and liberator. Jesus lived His life continually fighting for the oppressed. Prince of Peace, I am glad this name was chosen, it signifies that Jesus brings you peace in times of trouble .
He has come, Emmanuel
Announcing that God has come and now for this moment in time God is physically present with us in the Baby Jesus
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
This is the building of what is about to come and the repetition shows the importance that you think of Jesus as the Prince of Peace. The music is perfectly placed here with delightful crescendos leading to,in my opinion, the best part of the entire song, love love love the descriptive words chosen here.
For all who wait
Shows the importance of waiting for God. If you rush things, most of the time you get in the way of God's plans for you. It's good to slow down, pause, and listen.
For all who hunger
This shows the depths of the desire, when you hunger, if you can't get satisfied soon, there is great pain. Shows the importance of seeking and studying to find what you need in God, and I love that it is after the word wait... wait first and them listen to satisfy you hunger.
For all who've prayed
Prayer is as simple as having a conversation with God, we thank, praise, and ask. At times, we just talk to Them about what is going on.
For all who wonder
This is my absolute favorite line... I always have a big cheesy smile at this part, just thinking of what it means, it can mean those that study and ask questions about the Bible, God, and the life of Jesus, but it can also mean those that question the existence of God and Jesus. Both are important, and in my opinion God loves for you to have questions, They love to answer them and it shows that you are interested.
Behold your King
To observe an impressive person or thing. Both the birth of Jesus and Jesus Himself are impressive. A king declares laws, just as Jesus is the messenger sent to explain God's laws. So in other words observe the life of Jesus and the laws of God and follow them both.
Behold Messiah
Again emphasizing observe your liberator, the person that is going to free you from whatever oppression you have on this earth.
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Glory to the light of the world
Behold your King
Behold Messiah
Emmanuel, Emmanuel
The world waits for the miracle
The heart longs for a little bit of hope
Oh come, oh come Emmanuel
I love the repetition, showing the importance and making sure these words settle into your heart.
Now do you understand why it's not only a Christmas song, but it is a song of hope and joy to listen to all year long. I now realize how long this is, and thank you so much for reading up to this point. I hope that my interpretation and Lauren's beautiful words bring you hope!