Thoughts from a gulleyfluff

Jan. 24, 2022

21 days of hope

When I declared I wanted to do a 21 day 'fast', I wanted to add many more things to my day. More spiritual practices, more studying, more learning, more reading, and more writing. I also wanted to care deeply for myself. The latter is a practice that mainly gets forgotten. Taking care of yourself is different to each individual, what may be caring for yourself to one person, may not be seen that way by another. Whatever you may need, I encourage you to take that time. I also wanted to look deeply at the word hope, I wanted to study it, learn about it, and then reflect on times of hope in my own life. Now I want to share those moments with you. Written here is the first 14 days and I will continue to write one a day until I reach 21. Thank you for your time if you choose to read them. I would love to hear from you, what are your thoughts on hope? How do you see hope? What are some moments that you can reflect on hope?