Thoughts from a gulleyfluff

Jan. 23, 2022

Day 6 of Hope

I analyze people everywhere I go, in a big crowd or a small one. I watch their body language, listen to their tone when they speak to others, and access the surroundings we find ourselves in at that moment. I like to term it as being aware. I love smiles, both giving and receiving them. Smiles that are barely there to big toothy grins, I love them all. A smile from a mother with a screaming child, just trying to get through the grocery store so she can cook dinner and get them ready for bed after a long days work. A smile from a person living on the streets or a patient in a mental hospital that society says has nothing to smile about. A smile from those that are oppressed by the system and still choose to carry on living. A smile from a patient just told that their disease is terminal and they have a limited time to live. Those are the most powerful moments, the moments I often reflect on in my quiet time. The truly beautiful moments filled with hope. The beautiful smile of a stranger.